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Mandaluyong City Mayor Abalos (center) holds the People Management Association of the Philippines’ (PMAP) 2021 National Exemplar-People Program of the Year (PPY) in Public Sector award given to the city for its Project TEACH (Therapy, Education and Assimilation of Children with Handicap). Joining her are Chief of Staff to the Mayor Bro. Jimmy Isidro, Persons with Disaility Affairs (PDAD) Head Wennah Marquez, Project TEACH Program Coordinator Archie David, and City Executive Secretary Victor Victoria.

Mandaluyong LGU bags PMAP 2021 National Exemplar-People Program of the Year (PPY) in Public Sector Award

The City Government of Mandaluyong’s Project TEACH (Therapy, Education and Assimilation of Children with Handicap) was awarded by the People Management Association of the Philippines’ (PMAP) 2021 National Exemplar-People Program of the Year (PPY) in Public Sector. The community-based rehabilitation program of the city was recognized for extending free services and intervention to children with special needs of indigent families.

Project TEACH is multi-awarded program that was launched in 2007 and institutionalized as a city government program during the term of former mayor and now Metropolitan Manila Development Authority Chairman Benhur Abalos. Some 1,270 children with disabilities, largely from the most financially disadvantageous families in the city, have since availed of and benefitted from the services of Project TEACH.

The PPY Award in Public Sector is given by PMAP to an organization or institution that has implemented a program that is pioneering, innovative and relevant to the time and needs of its beneficiaries. The program must have also provided significant contribution in the enhancement of employer-employee relations.

At the regional level evaluation, Mandaluyong City bested 12 other nominees and emerged as the Regional Exemplar Awardee. The PMAP Awards Team assessment then picked only two PPY nominees for further assessment by the Board of Judges for the national level award.

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