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  • SECTION 76. IMPOSITION OF TAX. There is hereby imposed a tax on any person engaged in the business of printing and/or publication of books, cards, posters, leaflets, handbllls, certificates, receipts, pamphlets and others of similar nature at the rate of 50% of 1% of the gross annual receipts for the preceding calendar year for old printing businesses.

    For new ones, the rate of tax is one-twentieth (1/20) of 1% of the capital investment during the calendar year when the printing business was established. Thereafter, the tax is based on the gross receipts for the preceding calendar year or any fraction thereof.

    In the case of newly started business, the tax rate shall be as follows:

    Type of Business Minimum Tax (for new business)
    a. Printer Php 100.00
    b. Publisher Php 50.00
    c. Both Printer and Publisher Php 150.00
  • SECTION 77. EXEMPTION FROM TAX. The receipts from the printing and/or publishing of books or other reading materials prescribed by the Department of Education, Culture and Sports as school texts or references shall be exempt from the tax imposed.

  • SECTION 78. PAYMENT OF TAX. The tax shall be paid to the City Treasurer or its duly authorized deputies on or before the twentieth day of January each year.

  • SECTION 79. IMPOSITION OF TAX. There is hereby imposed a 10% tax on admission to theaters, cinemas, concert halls, bowling alleys, green fees, basketball gyms, circuses and other places of amusement.
  • SECTION 80. PAYMENT OF TAX. The tax shall be due and payable to the City Treasurer within the first twenty (20) days of the month next following that for which it is due by the proprietor, lessee or operator concerned, the tax shall be determined on the basis of a true and complete return of the amount of gross receipts derived during the month.