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Thursday, March 27, 2025
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8:33:40 PM
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Rules of Procedure of the Sangguniang Panlungsod

RESOLUTION NO. 2283. S-2016



  1. The Sangguniang Panlungsod, the Legislative Body of the City, shall be composed of the City VICE-MAYOR as Presiding Officer, the regular Sanggunian Members, the President of the City Chapter of the Liga ng mga Barangay, the President of the Panlungsod na Pederasyon ng mga Sangguniang Kabataan.
  2. The regular members of the Sangguniang Panlungsod and two (2) other Ex-Officio members aforementioned shall be elected in the manner as may be provided for by law.
    1. The Sangguniang Panlungsod shall enact ordinances, approve resolutions and appropriate funds for the general welfare of the City and its inhabitants pursuant to Section 16 of the Local Government Code of 1991 (Republic Act 7160) and the Charter of the City of Mandaluyong (Republic Act 7675) and in the proper exercise of the corporate powers of the City as provided for under the said acts and other laws, rules and regulations;
    2. Every member shall attend all the sessions of the Sangguniang Panlungsod unless he is prevented from doing so by reason of sickness or other unavoidable circumstances: Provided, however, that written notice accompanied by a medical certificate thereof shall be sent to the Sanggunian two (2) days before the scheduled session, thru the Presiding Officer or the Secretary of the Sanggunian, except when the reason or cause of absence occur one day before the session or on the day of the session itself, a mere telephone call or text message shall be sufficient. Scheduling of other itineraries or appointments on the day of session is hereby prohibited;
    3. As a general rule, every member is required to vote on every question or proposed measure being voted upon by the Sanggunian. Abstentions may only be allowed if it can be shown that the member concerned has a pecuniary interest, directly or indirectly, on the matter being acted upon by the body;
    4. Every member shall observe proper deportment and decorum during sessions;
    5. Members of the Sangguniang Panlungsod, during regular sessions, shall maintain a dress code, as follows:
      • MALE: Short sleeves Barong, Long sleeves Barong or coat, with or without tie, may be worn, at the option of the Member. Blue denim (maong) pants are not allowed.
      • FEMALE: Filipiniana or corporate attire with sleeves.
During special sessions, casual attire may be worn by the Members, both male and female.
SECTION 3. During Formal and Special Occasions, male Members may wear long sleeves Barong Tagalog or coat and tie, at their option, while female Members shall wear Filipiniana with sleeves. SECTION 4. Any Member who is not properly attired shall be subject to disciplinary action.  


SECTION 1. PRESIDING OFFICER: POWERS, DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES. The City Vice Mayor, as the regular Presiding Officer of the Sangguniang Panlungsod, shall:
  1. Preside over all sessions of the Sanggunian with the right to vote only to break a tie: Provided, however, that he may not be compelled to vote to break a tie;
  2. Announce the business in the order in which it is to be acted upon by the Sanggunian;
  3. Recognize any member of the Sanggunian who is entitled to the floor;
  4. State all questions brought before the Sanggunian and, when regularly moved, put the same into a vote and announce the result/s thereof;
  5. Assist the Sanggunian in expediting its business compatible with the rights of the members, allowing brief remarks in cases of pending debatable motions;
  6. Participate, if he so desires, during the deliberations of the Sanggunian: Provided, however, That, he first relinquishes his Chair as regular Presiding Officer and yield the same to a temporary Presiding Officer who shall be chosen by and from among the Sanggunian Members present, there being a quorum: Provided, further, That, said relinquishment is only for purposes of participating in such deliberations; Provided, finally, that, after he shall have participated therein, he shall again re-assume the Chair as regular Presiding Officer, subject to the limitations set forth under Section 49 (a) of the Local Government Code of 1991;
  7. Enforce at all times order and decorum in the Sanggunian;
  8. Rule on all pending questions, subject to appeal by any member/s of the Sanggunian, which appeal shall not be debatable. Any member who appeals therefrom shall explain his reasons therefor for not more than five (5) minutes. Any ruling on an appeal shall be submitted to the Sanggunian for its approval or disapproval upon a majority vote of the members present, there being a quorum;
  9. Sign all Ordinances and Resolutions passed by the Sanggunian, including all orders, proceedings and warrants issued by order of the Sanggunian;
  10. Sign all warrants drawn against the City Treasury for all expenditures appropriated for and pertaining to the operations of the Sangguniang Panlungsod;
  11. Subject to Civil Service law, rules and regulations, appoint all officials and employees of the Sanggunian, except those whose manner of appointment is specifically provided for by law;
  12. Oversee the distribution of the agenda to the Sanggunian Members and see to it that copies thereof are furnished the members at least forty-eight (48) hours before the regular session and at least twenty- four (24) hours in case of any special session;
  13. Declare the session adjourned upon a majority vote of the Sanggunian members present or motu proprio in the event of a sudden emergency such as fire, riots, serious disorder or when the circumstances prevailing during any session is such as to render impossible the holding of an orderly conduct of proceedings;
  14. In the event of his inability to preside at a Sanggunian session, such as but not limited to his having been designated as Officer- in-Charge of the Office of the City Mayor or his assumption as Acting Mayor, the members present and constituting a quorum, shall elect from among themselves a temporary Presiding Officer; and
  15. Perform such other functions, duties and responsibilities as may be assigned or delegated to him by law or Ordinance or Resolution.
SECTION 2. SECRETARY TO THE SANGGUNIAN: QUALIFICATIONS, COMPENSATION, DUTIES, FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES. The Secretary of the Sanggunian, who shall be appointed by the Vice Mayor, shall have the same qualifications, salary and rank set forth under the Local Government Code of 1991, the Civil Service law, rules and regulations and other administrative issuances governing compensation and position classification. He shall:
  1. Attend meetings of the Sanggunian and keep a journal of its proceedings;
  2. Keep the seal of the City Government and affix the same with his signature on all Ordinances and Resolutions and other official acts of the Sanggunian and present the same to the Presiding Officer for his signature;
  3. Forward to the City Mayor, for approval, copies of duly approved Ordinances and Resolutions dealing with local development plans and public investment programs; furnishing the City Mayor copies of all other approved Resolutions for his information and guidance;
  4. Furnish, upon request, certified true copies of records of public character in his custody, upon payment to the City Treasurer of such fees as may be prescribed by Ordinance;
  5. Record in a book kept for the purpose, all Ordinances and Resolutions enacted or adopted by the Sanggunian, with their respective dates of passage and publications thereof;
  6. Keep his office and all non-confidential records therein open to the public during the usual business hours and determines the confidentiality/non-confidentiality of the records;
  7. Translate into the dialect used by the majority of the inhabitants all Ordinances and Resolutions immediately after their approval and cause the publication of all approved Ordinances and Resolutions dealing with local development plans and public investment programs thereof, together with its original version in the manner provided for under the Local Government Code of 1991;
  8. Read or cause to be read, by himself or thru a reader duly designated by him, all proposed Ordinances, motions, memorials, petitions and other documents which he shall report to the Sanggunian, or when so required by the Sanggunian or the Presiding Officer;
  9. Notify the officers and members of regular standing and special committees of their election or creation;
  10. Send out proper notices of all duly called sessions, other meetings and public hearings;
  11. Perform such other functions as may be assigned to him by the Sanggunian or the Presiding Officer.
  • MAJORITY LEADER. There shall be a Majority Leader who shall be chosen from within the ranks of the dominant party and whose functions are as follows:
    1. He shall approve matters for inclusion in the agenda: Provided, however, that any proposed legislation or matter not included in the agenda shall be calendared upon written petition of a majority of the members of the Sanggunian;
    2. He shall move for approval of any item in the agenda or for reference thereof to the corresponding committee, his motion to this effect requiring no second: Provided, however, that if the motion is objected, the same yields to the motion, duly seconded, of any member of the Sanggunian;
    3. He shall be responsible for assigning speakers belonging to the dominant party to sponsor any particular piece of proposed legislation during sessions; and
    4. He shall be responsible for planning, parliamentary strategies on the floor, assigning speakers belonging to the dominant party during debates and lining up of members behind partisan issues.
  • DEPUTY MAJORITY LEADER. He shall be chosen from within the ranks of the dominant party and the deputy shall act and perform the functions of the Majority Leader in his absence. He shall affix his signature on all payroll sheets of co- terminous employees of the Sangguniang Panlungsod.
  • MINORITY LEADER. He shall be chosen from within the ranks of the minority party or parties who shall be responsible for planning parliamentary strategies of their group including the lining-up of speakers during debates.
SECTION 4. SANGGUNIAN MACE. There shall be a Sanggunian Mace to be displayed during every session, Special or Regular, of the Sanggunian. The Sergeant-at-Arms of the Sangguniang Panlungsod shall take custody and safekeeping thereof and shall be responsible for bringing it to the Session Hall during any session.  


    1. A session is a meeting which, although lasting for several hours, is considered as one meeting.
The Sanggunian shall meet in regular sessions at least once a week for transacting official business and, when public interest so demands, such number of special sessions as may be called by the City Mayor or by a majority of all the Sanggunian Members. Unless the Sanggunian orders otherwise, Regular Session shall be held every Monday at exactly One o’clock (1:00) in the afternoon.
    1. All Sanggunian sessions shall be open to the public unless a closed-door session is ordered by an affirmative vote of a majority of the members present, there being a quorum, in the public interest or for reasons of security, decency, or morality. (No two sessions, regular or special, may be held in a single day).
    2. In the case of special sessions of the Sanggunian, which shall be held at a specified date and time, a written notice to the Members shall be served personally or constructively at the latter’s office or usual place of residence at least twenty-four (24) hours before the special session is held.
Unless, otherwise, concurred in by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Sanggunian Members present, there being a quorum, no other matters may be considered at a special session except those stated in the call and contained in the notice.
    1. The Presiding Officer shall open the session by calling the Sanggunian to order and, motu proprio or when so requested by any Member of the Sanggunian, shall order the roll call.
Any session shall not be suspended or adjourned except when so directed by a majority of the Members of the Sanggunian but the Presiding Officer may, in his discretion, declare a recess of short intervals as when the arguments get heated up so that protagonists in a debate can talk things out informally and obviate dissention and disunity; Provided, however, that the Chair may motu proprio suspend or adjourn the session when the same became unruly or uncontrollable. The exact hour of opening and adjourning of each session shall be entered in the Minutes of the Meeting of the Sanggunian.
    1. A majority of all the Members of the Sanggunian, who shall be those referred to in Section 1, Rule 1 hereof and provided that they have been duly elected and have qualified, shall constitute a quorum to legally transact Official Business. A quorum is, thus, the fixed number of members present at a session which is legally sufficient to transact the business of the Sanggunian even if other members are absent.
In computing the presence of a quorum in the Sanggunian, a member who is abroad on official leave of absence, has died or resigned, suspended from office, expelled from the session or removed from office by final judgment shall be excluded therefrom.
    1. Should a question of quorum be raised during a session, the Presiding Officer shall immediately proceed to call the roll of the Members and forthwith announce the results.
Where there is no quorum, the Presiding Officer may declare a recess until such time as a quorum is constituted, or a majority of the members present may adjourn from day-to- day and may compel the immediate attendance of any member absent without justifiable cause by designating a member of the Sanggunian, to be assisted by a member or members of the police force assigned in the territorial jurisdiction of the City of Mandaluyong, to arrest the absent member and present him, at the session. If there is still no quorum despite the enforcement of the immediately preceding paragraph, no business shall be transacted by the Sanggunian. The Presiding Officer, upon proper motion duly approved by the members present, shall then declare the session adjourned for lack of quorum.


SECTION 1. ORDER OF BUSINESS The order and calendar of business for each session of the Sangguniang Panlungsod shall be as follows:
  1. Call to Order;
  2. Prayer;
  3. Singing of the National Anthem (mandatory);
  4. Roll call;
  5. Reading and Approval of the Minutes of the preceding session;
  6. Privilege Speech;
  7. Business of the Day;
    • Reading and reference to the corresponding committees of all communications, petitions, memorials, endorsements, memoranda, motions, etc.;
    • Committee Reports on all Communications, etc. Previously referred to the Committees;
    • Committee reports, if any, on the proposed Resolutions and Ordinances earlier referred to it;
    • First Reading and reference to Committees of proposed Resolutions/Ordinances;
    • Draft Resolutions and Ordinances on Second Reading;
    • Draft Resolutions and Ordinances on Third Reading;
  8. Announcements/Other Matters;
  9. Adjournment.
SECTION 2. DEVIATION FROM THE ORDER OF BUSINESS Deviation from the prescribed Order of Business may be done only under the following circumstances:
  1. When the Sanggunian decided to suspend the rules thru an “assumed motion” by the Chair or thru a motion to suspend the rules by a member. In any case, the decision to suspend the rules shall require the vote of a majority of the Members present, there being a quorum;
  2. When the measure to be acted upon by the Sanggunian is certified by the City Mayor as urgent, it shall have priority over all other items of business, and shall be considered without need of suspending the rules or even if it is not included in the business of the day.
SECTION 3. AGENDA (Deadline of submission to the Secretariat shall be every (Thursday) at 12:00 noon) Matters that may be taken up in the session of the Sanggunian shall be limited only to those items listed in the Agenda, the nature and substance of which must be described, except the following:
    1. After the reading of the minutes and actions taken thereof, any member desiring to deliver a privilege speech may, after registration with the Majority Leader and with prior permission of the Presiding Officer, speak for not more than fifteen (15) minutes:
Provided, however, that if more than one (1) member registers for this purpose, each speaker shall be limited to only ten (10) minutes. Provided, further, should circumstances warrant, the Presiding Officer may further reduce the number of speakers.
    1. With the consent of a majority of the Sanggunian Members present, there being a quorum, urgent matters may be submitted on the floor.
Urgent matters are such which involve public interest, the delay in the consideration of which shall prejudice essential activities of the government. The Agenda shall be distributed to all the Members of the Sanggunian at least two (2) days immediately preceding any regular session and at least one (1) day preceding any special session.


SECTION 1. ITEMS IN THE AGENDA Any motion, measure or proposal appearing in the Agenda for reference to the corresponding committee shall, prior to final action, be subjected to debate, discussion or amendment. SECTION 2. PROPOSED LEGISLATIVE MEASURES, FORMS Proposed Ordinances and Resolutions shall be in writing and shall contain an assigned number, a title or caption, an enacting or ordaining clause, and the date of its proposed effectivity. In addition, every proposed Ordinances/Resolutions may be accompanied by a brief explanatory note containing the justification for its approval. It shall be signed by the author or authors and submitted to the Sanggunian Secretary who shall report the same to the Sanggunian at its next meeting or as may be included in the Agenda in any session. No Ordinance or Resolution shall be considered on Second Reading in any regular meeting unless it has been reported out by the proper committee to which it was referred to or certified as urgent by the City Mayor. SECTION 3. PROCEDURES IN THE ENACTMENT/PASSAGE OF ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS.
  1. Before an Ordinance may be finally enacted, it shall undergo three readings, as follows:
      • FIRST READING. It shall consist of the reading by the Sanggunian Secretary of the number and title of the proposed Ordinances/Resolutions and the name of its author or authors or the name of the member/s introducing them, after which it shall be referred by the Presiding Officer to the appropriate committee/s without debate.
    Explanatory speech by the Author shall not exceed five (5) minutes and may only be allowed after the reading of the particular matter as appearing in the Agenda.
    • SECOND READING. At this stage, any proposed Ordinances/ Resolutions that has already been reported out by the concerned Committee and has been calendared for “Second Reading” may be sponsored by the reporting Committee Chairman or any committee member designated for that purpose. The proposed Ordinances/Resolutions may no longer be read in full unless the sponsoring Committee or the Sanggunian itself decides otherwise. After the usual sponsorship speech has been delivered, the proposed Ordinances/ Resolutions shall be subjected to debate and then to any amendments and all other proper parliamentary motions, including the approval on second reading.
    • THIRD (FINAL) READING. At this stage, the Secretary of the Sanggunian shall read the proposed Draft Ordinances/ Resolutions by its number, title and the name of its sponsor or sponsors. Immediately thereafter, the Presiding Officer shall put the proposed measure to a vote and shall then formally announce the result thereof and direct the Secretary to enter it in the record. No further debate or amendment shall be allowed during the third reading.
  2. A Resolution shall be enacted in the manner prescribed for an Ordinance but it need not go through a Third Reading for its final consideration unless it partakes of the nature of an Ordinance or unless decided otherwise by a majority vote of all the members;
  3. The Sanggunian Secretary shall prepare copies of the proposed Ordinance or Resolution in the form it was passed on Second Reading and shall distribute to each Sanggunian Member a copy thereof, except that a measure certified by the City Mayor as urgent may be submitted for final voting immediately after debate or amendment during the second reading;
  4. Any legislative matter duly certified by the City Mayor as urgent, whether or not it is included in the calendar of business, may be presented and considered by the Sanggunian at the same meeting/ session without need of suspending the rules;
  5. Upon the passage of all Ordinances and Resolutions directing the payment of money or creating liability, and at the request of any member, the Sanggunian shall record the ayes and nays;
  6. Each approved Ordinance or Resolution shall be stamped with the seal of the Sanggunian and recorded in a book kept for the purpose.
SECTION 4. SUBMISSION OF ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS TO THE CITY MAYOR. All duly enacted Ordinances shall be submitted to the City Mayor for his approval and, insofar as Resolutions are concerned, only those which deal with local development plans, and public investment programs. Out of courtesy, however, the City Mayor shall be furnished copies of all other approved Resolutions for his information and guidance.  


  1. The Minutes shall be the official repository of what transpired during the proceedings of the Sanggunian. It shall comprise a clear and succinct account of the business transacted and the actions taken thereon.
  2. The Minutes shall contain the following:
    • Nature of session held;
    • Name of the Sangguniang Panlungsod of the City of Mandaluyong;
    • Date, time and place of session;
    • Proper Statement of Presence of Presiding Officer and members;
    • Statement whether Minutes of previous sessions were approved, readings dispensed with and the dates of said session, citing corrections;
    • Title, number and authors of every Resolution or Ordinance. If the Resolutions or Ordinances were not approved unanimously, a brief statement of the minority opinion; nominal voting;
    • All main motions, except those withdrawn;
    • Points of order and appeals, whether sustained or lost;
    • Veto message of the Mayor, in full;
    • Time of meeting and adjournment.
SECTION 2. SIGNING OF THE MINUTES. The original copy of the Minutes shall be signed by the Sanggunian Secretary, as authenticated by the Presiding Officer. The Minutes shall be entered in a good well-bound record book with the corresponding date of approval or disapproval properly placed therein. The Excerpts to be taken out of the Minutes shall be certified and attested to as correct by the Presiding Officer or the Secretary.  


SECTION 1. VOTING ON THE QUESTION. Whenever a nominal voting or roll call voting is being applied, the Secretary of the Sanggunian shall call the roll of members either in alphabetical order, by rank, or by representative district. As each name is called, the Member shall announce his vote by stating “yes” or “no”, as the case may be. If he so desires or when requested by a majority of the Members of the Sanggunian, a member may explain his vote but not to exceed five (5) minutes. A second roll call may be requested by any Member from the Chair but this time only the names of those who failed to vote shall be called, in order to give another opportunity to those who failed to cast their vote to exercise their right and also to determine the number of Members who might have violated the rule on abstention. After the second roll call, no other request of the same kind shall be entertained by the Chair. SECTION 2. VOTING RESTRICTION. No Member can vote or be allowed to vote on any measure in which he or any of his relatives within the third degree of consanguinity or affinity has a direct or personal pecuniary interest on the measure subject thereof. This does not, however, preclude any Member from voting for himself for any position within the Sangguniang Panlungsod. SECTION 3. CHANGE OF VOTE. A Member may change his vote but only when the result of the voting has not yet been announced by the Chair. Otherwise, he can change his vote by a unanimous consent of the Sanggunian Members present: Provided, however, that this rule shall not be applied if voting is by ballot. SECTION 4. VOTE BY LATE-COMER. A Member who came in late during the session but who happens to arrive while voting is in progress shall be allowed to vote: Provided, however, that the result of such voting has not yet been announced by the Chair or the Presiding Officer. SECTION 5. ALLOWABLE MOTION DURING VOTING. Except for a motion pertaining to a question of quorum, no other motion shall be entertained by the Chair while voting is in progress. SECTION 6. THE VOTE; BREAKING A TIE.
  1. A tie vote resulting from a vote taken on any motion, measure or proposal shall be construed to mean that the particular motion, measure or proposal is defeated unless the Presiding Officer decides to break it;
  2. In case of tie, the Presiding Officer may cast his vote but he shall not in all cases be allowed to vote in order to create a tie;
  3. A Temporary Presiding Officer shall be subject to the same voting limitations as the regular Presiding Officer.
SECTION 7. ABSTENTIONS. Abstention, if ever allowed to a Member, shall not be considered in computing the majority vote. Mere silence or abstention are not the equivalent of affirmative or negative votes. SECTION 8. RECONSIDERATION. When a report, motion, resolution or proposed legislative measure has been adopted or lost, only a Member who voted with the prevailing side shall be entitled to present a motion for reconsideration when the matter is still within the control of the Sanggunian: Provided, however, that a Member who voted with the minority may present a motion for reconsideration, if duly seconded by a Member from the prevailing side: Provided, finally, that any Member who abstains from voting shall have absolutely no right to ask for reconsideration.  


  1. No Member shall speak before the Sanggunian without first obtaining the floor. A Member who has obtained the floor shall address all his remarks to the Chair or the Presiding Officer and shall conduct himself with proper decorum by confining his remarks or arguments to the question under debate and by avoiding personalities;
  2. While having the floor, a Member may be interrupted in his speech or talk by the Presiding Officer to state a point of order, to respond to questions from the floor, to clarify something related to the issue being discussed or to make certain remarks within his privilege;
  3. The speaker may also be interrupted by another Sanggunian Member if the latter desires to ask questions thru his privilege to interpellate and by proposing the following motions: point of order, point of information, point of parliamentary inquiry, call for orders of the day, divide the assembly, raise a question of privilege, reconsider, or appeal from the decision of the Chair: Provided, however, that the speaker being interpellated may decline to answer questions;
  4. All questions addressed to the Speaker or the Member having the floor shall always be coursed thru the Presiding Officer;
  5. While the period of debate is in progress, no Member shall roam around the session hall or leave the premises without the permission of the Presiding Officer;
  6. Whenever the Presiding Officer is addressing the Sanggunian, no member shall leave his seat nor interrupt the former in his talk;
  7. Before any matter shall be debated upon, a motion should first be made, duly seconded and stated by the Chair;
  8. Only the Chair can rule on any verbal motion, otherwise, the Chair shall state the question before the Sanggunian for consideration and approval;
  9. Any member may modify a motion through suggestions. The movant, with the consent of the “seconder” shall have the right to make such modifications as he pleases or withdraws in his entirety a motion before the Presiding Officer states the question;
  10. The Presiding Officer shall be the sole authority to recognize any Member by announcing the latter’s name as a sign of recognition to the floor;
  11. When two or more Members rise at the same time, the Member whose name is first called by the Chair shall be entitled to the floor;
  12. Any Member sponsoring any measure under consideration may open and close the debate where general debate has been ordered thereon;
  13. Words desired to be excepted by any Member shall be stated aloud by the Presiding Officer: Provided, however, That the Member who uttered the same shall not be held to answer nor be subject to censure by the Sanggunian if further debate or another business intervenes.
SECTION 2. DISCUSSION, INTERPELLATION. Main speeches during the discussion of any measure shall be limited to twenty (20) minutes for each speaker while rebuttal speeches shall be limited to ten (10) minutes. A motion to close the debate is in order if three (3) Members have already spoken in the affirmative side and two (2) in the negative side, or only one (1) Member has spoken in favor but none against it: Provided, however, That if no Member moves to close the period of debate, the Presiding Officer, motu proprio, may use the “assumed motion” in order to close the period of debate. If said motion is approved, the Sanggunian shall then proceed to consider amendments under the five (5)-minute rule. Only one (1) Member is allowed to deliver a speech in favor and another against the amendments. Any Member desiring to propose an amendment shall also be allowed five (5) minutes and another opposing it another five (5) minutes, after which discussion shall be terminated. The Sanggunian may, by a vote of the majority of the Members present, close all debate at any time during the debate on all other amendments, the motion for which shall not be debatable. This does not, however, preclude further amendments to be decided without debate. After the period of general debate is closed and the amendments disposed of, the main measures shall be voted upon for final approval. No Member shall be allowed to deliver more than one main speech or one rebuttal speech during the consideration of any motion, measure or proposal. SECTION 3. MOTIONS AND THEIR PRECEDENCE. Unless withdrawn by the author on the day of submission, every written motion filed shall be included in the agenda.
  1. When a verbal motion is presented, the Presiding Officer shall state the same to the Council. If in writing, he shall cause it to be read by the Secretary before being debated upon. The motion shall then be considered as having been brought to the attention of the Council. It may be withdrawn at any time before a decision is made thereon or any amendment to it is presented thereto;
  2. If there are questions under debate, no other main motions, except to adjourn, to declare a recess or to lay on the table, shall be entertained. These latter motions shall be decided without debate;
  3. Motions to postpone to a certain day, to defer or to postpone indefinitely shall have precedence in the foregoing order;
  4. No motion to postpone to a certain day, to defer or to postpone indefinitely, which having failed of passage, shall again be allowed on the same day and at the same stage of the question;
  5. When a general debate on a motion or proposition is closed, a motion to amend an amendment shall be in order. It shall also be in order to offer a further amendment by “substitution”; provided, however, that the latter shall not be voted upon until after the original motion or proposition is disposed of. Any amendment may be withdrawn before a decision is made thereon;
  6. No motion or proposition on a subject different from that under consideration shall be admitted under color of amendments;
  7. Before a question could be the subject of discussion, such question, on motion duly seconded, shall be divided if it includes propositions so distinct in substance that when one is taken away, another substantive proposition remains;
  8. A motion to strike out and insert is indivisible but a motion to strike out being lost, shall neither preclude amendment nor motion to strike out and insert;
  9. A motion to read any part of the Rules is equivalent to a call to order and shall take precedence over any motion except to adjourn;
  10. When voting on a motion is not debatable, no other remarks will be entertained by the Chair when a Member casts his vote.
SECTION 4. QUESTIONS OF PRIVILEGE, PROCEDURE. Questions relating to the rights and privileges of the Sanggunian or to any of its members shall take precedence over all motions except motions relating to adjournment and recess.
  1. QUESTIONS OF PRIVILEGE: What constitutes:
    • Questions of such urgency and requiring immediate action may interrupt a Member’s speech. Example, when any motion or report that is being read cannot be heard in a part of the Session Hall.
    • Questions of personal privileges must relate to one as a Member of the Sanggunian or else relate to charge against his character which if true, would disqualify him from becoming a Member of the Sanggunian.
        • Those relating to the organization of the Sanggunian;
        • Those relating to the comfort of the Members of the Sanggunian like seating, lighting, ventilating, etc., of the Session Hall;
        • Those relating to the freedom from noise and conduct of officers or other employees;
        • Those relating to punishment of a Member for disorderly conduct or other offenses;
        • Those relating to the accuracy of published reports of proceedings.
      2. PRIVILEGED QUESTION: WHAT ARE INCLUDED: Privileged questions shall include, besides question of privilege, call for the order of the day and privilege motions relating to adjournment and recess.
        • A call for the order of the day shall be a demand that the Sanggunian conform to its order of business, a motion to the effect requiring no second;
        • Any member shall have the right to demand that the order of business be conformed to;
        • Any member who shall call for the order of the day when there is no deviation from the order of business shall be declared out of order.


SECTION 1. MOTIONS RELATING TO A COMMITTEE REPORT. All motions relating to a Committee Report, if presented or proposed by the reporting Committee Chairman or Member, shall need no second. SECTION 2. OUT OF ORDER, EXCEPTION. If any Sanggunian Member has the floor, whether or not he is speaking, a motion to adjourn shall be ruled out of order: Provided, however, that when there is no quorum present, a motion to adjourn or to declare a recess is in order so long as nobody else has the floor. SECTION 3. PRIVILEGED MOTIONS. All privileged motions may be proposed even if there is a pending motion or question before the Sanggunian. SECTION 4. MOTION TO AMEND. A motion to amend (amendment of the first degree) and a motion to amend an amendment (amendment of the second degree) may be withdrawn but only before a decision is made thereon.  


  1. A Committee constitutes five (5) persons appointed, designated or elected as Chairman, Vice-Chairman and as Members by the Sanggunian to consider, investigate, recommend or take appropriate action on matters or subjects referred to it;
  2. The Presiding Officer may be a member of any Standing Committee;
  3. A committee shall be composed of a Chairman, Vice Chairman and three (3) members as may be determined by the Sanggunian but always in the odd numbers;
  4. Ex-officio members of the Sangguniang Panlungsod, i.e., the Barangay and youth representatives, shall not participate in the organization of the various Standing Committees in the Sanggunian or vote in the election of its Chairmen and Members: Provided, however, that they shall be assured of their respective Chairmanship of the Committees which they represent as provided for under the Local Government Code of 1991 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations.
SECTION 2. COMMITTEE PROCEDURE. The Committee shall function as follows:
  1. The Chairman shall from time to time convene the committee to a meeting: Provided, however, that if the Chairman is absent or shall neglect or decline to convene such meeting, the Vice-Chairman or members constituting a majority shall proceed therewith;
  2. Any person shall have the right to appear at committee meetings and present his view on the matter before it, at such reasonable time and upon request, as the committee may schedule;
  3. During final deliberations, no person shall be present except the committee members and such employees of the Sanggunian as are necessary to facilitate the performance of its functions;
  4. All questions before the committee shall be put into a vote unless otherwise previously agreed upon;
  5. After final deliberations and voting, the Chairman of the committee shall prepare, for submission to the Sanggunian, a report to be signed by its Chairman and Members recommending either to file it in the archive or to Calendar the Measure for second reading presenting all amendments tackled during the hearings. Any member dissenting therefrom shall submit in writing his reasons therefor; Provided, however, that if by reason of urgency, a verbal report is submitted by a Chairman to the Sanggunian, said verbal report shall be considered the report of the committee unless objected to by at least three (3) members of the committee concerned.
SECTION 3. SPECIAL COMMITTEE. There shall be a Special Committee created from time to time by the Sanggunian for special purpose or purposes. Special Committees shall cease to exist as soon as the Sanggunian shall have received their respective reports. Special committees shall be independent of other committees but may adopt the procedure prescribed in the preceding section. SECTION 4. STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE SANGGUNIAN. A standing committee created in the Sanggunian is composed of not more than five (5) members but not less than three (3) including the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, drawn from the Sanggunian Membership and assigned to address a specific area in local legislation. The selected members of the Committee are presumed to be experts in the area of responsibility of a particular committee. Considering the size of a Sanggunian Committee, greater freedom of discussion is possible and fewer opinions advanced during committee deliberations and thereby obviate confusion that is likely to happen in a larger Body. Committee deliberations are less formal thus making the transaction of a business more expeditious and the relationship more cordial. Unless otherwise agreed upon, the Sanggunian shall constitute the following standing committees, with powers and prerogatives hereunder stated:
  • With general jurisdiction over:
    1. All matters pertaining to the creation, division or merger of Barangays, review of Barangay enactments and generally, all barangay affairs;
    2. Study and recommend measures that will develop leadership and involvement of barangay officials in governmental programs and projects; attend to all queries and complaints related to Barangay matters; formulate policies that will strengthen the Liga ng mga Barangays; to hear and cause the amicable settlement of boundary disputes involving two (2) or more barangays in the City;
    3. Perform such other functions as the Sanggunian may adopt.
  • With general jurisdiction over:
    1. All matters related to education, arts and culture, i.e., city public schools, colleges and universities and museums; its maintenance, tuition fees, school projects, non-formal and community adult education; scientific and technological research; naming of schools and maintenance of city libraries;
    2. Naming of streets;
    3. All matters pertaining to the promotion of culture and the arts; development and advancement, preservation and enrichment of Filipino arts and culture; inculcation of patriotism and nationalism among the youth and their involvement in public and civic affairs;
    4. d. Perform such other functions as the Sanggunian may adopt.
  • With general jurisdiction over:
    1. All matters pertaining to human ecology and settlements; zoning and human settlement planning; the protection of the environment against destructions and pollution control law and other laws for the protection and advancement of the right of the people to a balanced and healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature and modern technology; zoning and human settlement planning, exploration, development, utilization and conservation of natural resources, including flora and fauna; beautification, cleaning and greening of parks and places of public interest;
    2. Perform such other functions as the Sanggunian may adopt.
  • With general jurisdiction over:
    1. All matters relating to the health, and welfare of the residents, including measures mandatory to existing city Ordinances and Resolutions on sanitation and hygiene, health centers, medical hospitals and clinics, purchase of medicine and other allied health and sanitation measures;
    2. Study and review proposals, projects and programs pertaining to the the health awareness of constituents;
    3. Conduct studies, programs and projects pertaining to health development, nutrition, population and other related areas;
    4. Establish venues for seminars and meetings/sessions and as feeding centers and immunization centers for children;
    5. Coordinate with local, regional and national government offices on projects, plans and activities on health services;
    6. Formulate measures for dealing with health problems such as spread of communicable diseases;
    7. Perform such other functions as the Sanggunian may adopt.
  • With jurisdiction over:
    1. All matters pertaining to management and labor relations; labor disputes and conciliation; maintenance of industrial cooperation; labor education, standards and statistics;
    2. All matters relative to the problems of labor employment and manpower development; unemployment, under- employment and subject to the provisions of the Labor Code, and employer-employee relations; organization of labor market, including recruitment, training and placement of workers and employment, manpower promotion and development of labor intensive technology; establish and implement training and development for the labor force; encourage the establishment of vocational and technological schools; coordinate with the local, as well as national offices of the POEA in the hiring of manpower for overseas employment; establish programs of education and training for out-of-school youth and coordinate with civic organization in the hiring and employment of deserving youths; conduct studies and researches on employment problems, wages and conditions of work of women and youth workers;
    3. The appointments extended by the City Mayor pursuant to paragraph (d), Section 454, Chapter 2, Republic Act No. 7160 otherwise known as “The Local Government Code of 1991”;
    4. d. Perform such other functions as the Sanggunian may adopt.
  • With general jurisdiction over:
    1. All matters relating to landed estates, acquisition, management of real property/ies, assessments, housing projects and award thereof to qualified applicants;
    2. Study and review proposals, projects and programs, pertaining to the use of land within the City’s jurisdiction; disseminate information and literature pertaining to land use; review barangay land use plan in consonance with the City’s land use plan;
    3. All matters pertaining to the legality, validity and enforceability of measures or proposals as well as all matters relating to the legal aspects of action taken by or submitted to the Sanggunian;
    4. Perform such other functions as the Sanggunian may adopt.
  • With general jurisdiction over:
    1. All matters pertaining to the Rules of the Sanggunian; creation and organization of Committees; the conduct, rights, privileges, safety, dignity, integrity and reputation of the Members, the order and manner of transacting business and the creation of committees;
    2. The implementation of national laws and enforcement of local Ordinances, revision and interpretation of the Sanggunian Internal Rules of Procedure; codification misfeasance, malfeasance and nonfeasance against local officials and employees; committees and their jurisdiction; and privileges and disorderly conduct of the members of the Sanggunian;
    3. All matters pertaining to the protection of the natural and legal rights of every person;
    4. Disseminate information and literature pertaining to human rights;
    5. Initiate seminars and lectures on the protection and promotion of human rights;
    6. Perform such other functions as the Sanggunian may adopt.
  • With general jurisdiction over:
    1. All matters pertaining to the promotion, establishment and operation of cooperatives among city employees, drivers and other entrepreneurial groups for the benefits of their members including the development and promotion of small and medium scale industries within the territorial jurisdiction of the City;
    2. Conduct surveys and researches and development programs that will promote the organization of cooperatives and establish livelihood measures, if possible in all Barangays of the City; conduct studies and recommend livelihood programs that would enhance the living standards of the poor;
    3. Coordinate with local, regional and national cooperative agencies for proper and effective implementation of policies and programs on cooperatives;
    4. Conduct evaluation and review of all beneficiaries of the livelihood program of the City Government;
    5. In coordination with the City PESO and other agencies concerned, conduct a study and formulate programs and projects designed to improve existing livelihood programs and the identification of possible resources;
    6. Recommend any measures intended to improve and develop the sector;
    7. All matters pertaining to the welfare and protection, livelihood projects, skills training and upgrading of marginalized groups: i.e., the elderly citizens, as well as all programs beneficial to their organization; study and review existing, as well as proposed, government policies, programs and projects affecting the urban poor; formulate measures to protect and uphold the rights and welfare of persons with disabilities;
    8. Establish a regular consultative meeting with the 27 Barangays of the City and/or initiate livelihood seminars and information dissemination on livelihood program of the City Government;
    9. Perform such other functions as the Sanggunian may adopt.
  • With general jurisdiction over:
    1. All matters concerning the police and fire stations including its officers and men, fire prevention and control measures;
    2. All matters pertaining to traffic laws, rules and regulations and its enforcement; investigate any and all wrong doings or violations that may have been committed by public service utilities;
    3. Establish policies and procedures pertaining to the imposition of fines and penalties for the violation of City Ordinances and contracts made with the City Government by the public service utilities;
    4. Study and review all project proposals recommended for the implementation of public service utilities, their continued existence, cancellation of franchise or permits, expansion and/or improvements;
    5. All matters pertaining to the City Jail, its management and inmates;
    6. All matters pertaining to the prevention and/or suppression of lawlessness, riot, violence, rebellion or sedition and public disorder;
    7. All matters pertaining to the delivery of basic services such as, but not limited to, collection and disposal of garbage;
    8. Formulate management and control programs for the efficient and effective operation of the City public market, including “talipapa” and other economic enterprises; implement proper allocation and assignment of stalls and spaces in the public market and of concessionaries in “talipapa”; formulate a system of rental allocation for every available market spaces authorized for lease; conduct a continuing program of research and development in the field of market operation;
    9. Regulation and maintenance of (public markets), slaughterhouse, public cemetery and similar public facilities owned by the City Government;
    10. Perform such other functions as the Sanggunian may adopt.
  • With general jurisdiction over matters:
    1. Relating to the planning, construction, maintenance, improvement, repair and upkeep of public buildings, highways, roads/streets and bridges, parks, monuments, playgrounds, and other public edifices/properties; drainage, sewerage and flood control and protection; irrigation and water utilities; donation, lease, exchange or expropriation of lands, subdivisions, building permits, amendments to zonification and other public improvement projects; conduct a continuing program of research and development in the field of parks operation; undertake regular inventories of city properties;
    2. Conduct studies pertaining to the following areas but not limited to: professional basketball, cockfighting, lotto, casino, professional boxing, carnival, concert; evaluate all applications to hold above-cited games/amusements thru committee hearings before the grant of permit; regulate the above- mentioned areas and the supervision of such activities; determine the effects of such activities on the social and moral values of the people both the short and long term results; formulate policies and measures that will afford safety and protection of the public against such activities; regularly inspect such establishments to ensure the proper and effective implementation of policies and measures;
    3. Perform such other functions as the Sanggunian may adopt.
  • With general jurisdiction over:
    1. All matters involving special projects and activities;
    2. Develop and promote the City of Mandaluyong as one of the tourist spots in Metro Manila;
    3. Monitor conditions in all hotels, restaurants and resorts to ensure that they maintain standards as set forth by the Department of Tourism;
    4. Formulate and publish an information brochure on the City of Mandaluyong and ensure proper and effective dissemination of same to all agencies concerned;
    5. Perform such other functions as the Sanggunian may adopt.
  • With jurisdiction over all matters pertaining to:
    1. The promotion of trade, commerce and industry, establishment and operation of all kinds of trade and industry, and other economic enterprises within the City; formulate incentive plans and programs that would encourage and motivate businessmen and large corporations to set up/establish their business complexes/branches/subsidiaries within the City; study, recommend and initiate trade fairs and commercial displays to improve commercial and trade communication;
    2. All matters pertaining to approval of the budget; appropriation of funds or payment of obligations/expenditures of the City Government and for the payment of public indebtedness, claims against the government, appropriation of public funds and matters pertaining to public expenditures; determination of compensation of personnel; reorganization of local offices; allocation of funds for projects and other services;
    3. All matters pertaining to revenue taxes, fees, charges, loans;
    4. Study and revision of tax measures and generation of other sources and forms of revenue from both public and private sectors, including codification of revenue Ordinances;
    5. Perform such other functions as the Sanggunian may adopt.
    1. With general jurisdiction over all matters related to planning, modernization, installation and construction of transportation and telecommunications facilities; the granting of franchise to public utility jeepneys, tricycles, radio and TV, cables and other communication services and all matters related to land, river and air transportation facilities.
  • With general jurisdiction over:
    1. Conduct studies, researches and programs for the upliftment of family, gender development and women relationship; formulate measures that will enhance the dignity and image of our women; ensures the effective implementation of all programs, measures and related Ordinances that protect family and women’s right; formulate measures that will enhance the dignity of the family, protection of women and family; initiate seminars and lectures to strengthen the moral values and social responsibilities of women and parents, measures to protect working women by providing safe and healthful working conditions, taking into account their maternal functions and such facilities and opportunities that will enhance their welfare and potentials, protect women’s rights and welfare, gender and development, family welfare and the protection and enhancement of the rights of all the people of human dignity, including assistance for proper care and nutrition and special protection from all forms of neglect, abuse, cruelty, exploitation and other conditions prejudicial to their development; measures to protect the rights of families or family associations to participate in the planning and implementation of policies and programs that affect them; and other assistance that will safeguard the development of women;
    2. Formulate policies and to conduct studies and researches involving children; formulate programs and measures that will better enhance the dignity, image and socio-economic standing of street children; dissemination of information and literature; initiate seminars, lectures and fora to strengthen the moral values and social responsibilities of children; ensure effective and responsive implementation of all laws, ordinances, programs, measures and policies that protect the rights of children;
    3. Matters relating to social work; public social service for the disadvantaged groups in Philippine society including the street children, drug dependents, criminal offenders as well as relocation and resettlement of squatters;
    4. Perform such other functions as the Sanggunian may adopt.
  • With general jurisdiction over:
    1. All matters pertaining to the development of the youth through civic and social activities and the promotion and development of sports for nation building; promotion and protection of the youth’s physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual and social well-being; promotion and development of sports program, amateur sports and all other related matters; conduct seminars on youth development and youth leadership; coordinate with local, regional and national youth organizations in the implementation of their various programs and activities; encourage business sector to sponsor sports programs, projects and activities; initiate and assist the development of new sports;
    2. Perform such other functions as the Sanggunian may adopt.
SECTION 5. REORGANIZATION OF COMMITTEES: TENURE. Elections for or designation of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Members of the different standing committees shall be held on the first session of July of its new term of office. The Chairman, Vice-Chairman and members-elected shall hold office the whole term of the Council or until such time when a reorganization is adopted. SECTION 6. REPORTS, DISCHARGE OF COMMITTEES. The different standing committees, within thirty (30) working days from receipt of any matter referred to them for any action, comment and/or recommendation shall prepare for submission to the Sanggunian a report together with the proposed amended text to be filed by the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman and majority of the members thereof. A member of a Committee who dissents from the report, may submit a separate one in writing stating his reason therein. Where the completion of the said report could not be accomplished within the original period allotted for the said purpose, due to insuperable or extremely difficult nature of the matter involved, the Committee to whom the same is referred, may request the Sanggunian, through the Secretariat, for an additional period of time within which to submit its report. Such extension will not be permitted except for meritorious reasons and unless the request is made before the expiration of the time sought to be extended. The privilege to request for an extension could be availed of by the committee concerned only once and for a period not longer than that originally allotted for the purpose. After the lapse of the extended period, the author of the measure or any member of the council, if he so desires, may move that the committee be discharged from further consideration of said question and that the same be assigned to another Committee or submit the question to the Body for disposition. SECTION 7. REPORTS, RECONSIDERED AND/OR TRANSMITTED. When a report is recommitted to the committee or is transmitted to another Committee, the measure concerned shall remain in its original status, unless the Chairman of the other committee renders a verbal report under letter “e” Section 2, Rule X. SECTION 8. FILLING OF VACANCY. Whenever vacancy occurs in any of the Standing Committees, the same shall be filled in by the Sanggunian.  


SECTION 1. PENALTY. Any member who commits an act in transgression of the foregoing Internal Rules of Procedure shall be punished with the corresponding penalties hereunder prescribed to wit:
  • For disorderly conduct or behavior during a session, committee hearing or committee meeting
    • 1st Offense – Reprimand
    • 2nd Offense – exclusion from membership in the committee concerned; suspension to expulsion
  • For any JUSTIFIED absence without prior notice
    • Fine of not more than Two Hundred Fifty Pesos (P250.00)
  • For any UNJUSTIFIED absence with prior notice
    • Fine of not less than Two Hundred Fifty Pesos (P250.00) but not more than Five Hundred Pesos (P500.00)
  • For UNJUSTIFIED absence in FOUR (4) consecutive sessions
    • Fine of not less than Five Hundred Pesos (P500.00) but not more than One Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (P1,500.00) without prejudice to the filing of the corresponding administrative charge as per Article 124 (6), IRR of Republic Act 7160.
  • For coming late in any kind of sessions per hour of being late or fraction thereof
    • Fine of not less than two Hundred Fifty Pesos (P250.00) but not more than Five Hundred Pesos (P500.00)
  • Conviction by final judgment to imprisonment of at least one (1) year for any crime involving moral turpitude
    • Automatic expulsion
  • For refusal without valid excuse to perform the task assigned to him by the Sanggunian or Committee of which he is a member
    • Seven (7) days suspension without remuneration.
  • For UNJUSTIFIED absence in committee hearing of which he is a composite member
    • Two Hundred Fifty Pesos (P250.00) but not more than Five Hundred Pesos (P500.00) without prejudice to the filing of corresponding administrative charge for neglect of duty.
  • For violation of any other provision of this Internal Rules of Procedure not specified herein, including improper attire during sessions; formal and special occasions.
    • Fine of not less than Two Hundred Fifty (P250.00) but not more than Five Hundred Pesos (P500.00) or suspension of not more than seven (7) days without remuneration.
SECTION 2. REQUISITES. The penalty of suspension or expulsion to be imposed shall require the concurrence of at least two-thirds (2/3) vote of all the members of this Sanggunian. For other kinds of penalty, only a majority vote of all the members of the Sanggunian shall suffice. SECTION 3. INITIATION OF ACTION AND CONDUCT OF INVESTIGATION. The Committee on Laws and Rules shall take cognizance of all the offenses enumerated in the preceding Section committed by any member of this Sanggunian, both composite member and constituent member, i.e. including the Regular Presiding Officer and shall initiate the necessary fact-finding investigation and thereafter shall submit its committee report together with the corresponding recommendation for consideration of the Sanggunian sitting en banc. Should any member of the Committee on Laws and Rules be respondent, the Presiding Officer (Regular or Temporary Presiding Officer, as the case may be) shall designate a replacement to complete the membership thereof, but, only insofar as the conduct of the fact finding investigation is concerned. In performing other function of the said Committee, the respondent is still a member of that Committee. SECTION 4. COLLECTION OF FINES AND ITS DISPOSITION. The Secretary to the Sanggunian shall collect the fines as may be imposed by this Sanggunian and shall take custody thereof as a private trust fund. In the disposition or disbursement of the said fund, the Sanggunian shall convert itself into a “committee of the whole” and then decide upon a majority vote of all its members how and for what purpose the said fund would be spent.  


Any part of this Internal Rules of Procedure, except those prescribed by existing laws, rules and regulations, may be suspended at any particular session by general consent or by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Members present. A rule may be suspended to take up a question that has been postponed to some other time or to advance its consideration in the order of business or, generally, to deviate from the regular procedure of doing business, so that the Sanggunian may be able to act with dispatch on important and urgent matters without violating its own rules. In any case, the suspension shall be for a purpose connected with the immediate pending question and no business except that directly connected with the question for which the rule has been suspended can be taken up during the period of such suspension. Once the business for which a rule has been suspended is disposed of, the suspension loses its effect and the rule becomes effective again.  


Unfinished business at the end of the term of the Sangguniang Panlungsod shall be resumed at the commencement of the term of the next Sanggunian, as if no change in the Sanggunian has taken place. All pending legislative matters and proceedings shall terminate upon the expiration of the term of the Sanggunian and the records pertaining thereto delivered to the archive within fifteen (15) days after such expiration.  


The Rules of Procedure and Parliamentary policies of the Legislative Bodies of the Philippines and Parliamentary Rules by Orendain shall serve as supplementary authorities of the Sanggunian insofar as they are compatible with these rules and standing orders.  


Any amendments to these Rules shall be presented in writing and shall be adopted by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of all the Members of the Sanggunian; Provided, however, that no amendment to these Rules shall be presented within three (3) months from their promulgation.  


Any and/or all previous Resolutions/Ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby deemed repealed, modified or amended accordingly.  


MA. TERESA S. MIRANDA Acting Sanggunian Secretary
PRESIDED BY: ANTONIO DLS. SUVA Vice Mayor & Presiding Officer