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The office serves as the focal point of needs of the senior citizens in the city. The office also plans, implements, and monitors programs and activities as directed in the Republic Act 9994.




I.  Mandate:

The Office for Senior Citizens Affairs (OSCA) is mandated to plan, implement and monitor yearly work programs in pursuance to the objectives of Republic Act No. 7432 otherwise known as the Senior Citizens Act as amended by Republic Act 9994 better known the Expanded Senior Citi- zens Act of 2010, all of which are geared to protect and facilitate the welfare of the elderly sector.


II.  Vision:

We aim to become a caring, responsive, progressive, and empathetic organization that will cater to the needs of the senior citizens of this City which shall give them the true sense of securi- ty and confidence at their place in society even after retirement.



III.  Mission:

To provide the opportunity for Senior Citizens to remain active, independent, healthy, and involve in the community, enriching their lives through well-designed social programs that shall make them play an important role in society at this golden stage of their lives.



IV.  Service Pledge:

It is the duty of OSCA to serve all senior citizens to the best of its ability equally without fear or favor as far it is within the limits of the law. It is our desire to satisfy all the reasonable needs of its members to ensure that our senior citizens are happy in their golden years.


Office for Senior Citizens Affairs

The office serves as the focal point of needs of the senior citizens in the City. OSCA also takes the lead in the planning, implementing, and monitoring of programs and activities in line with the directives of Republic Act 9994 also known as the Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2010.


Office or Division:

Office for Senior Citizens Affairs



Type of Transaction:

Government to Citizen (G2C)

Who may avail:

All Senior Citizens of the City of Mandaluyong



A. For NEW applicant

-  Barangay Clearance (Proof of Residency)

-  2pcs 1x1 Picture if none OSCA will take the applicants picture for free

-  2 Government Issued Identification Card (Birth Cert. Driver’s License Passport, Philhealth MDR, GSIS,

SSS, Postal and Voters ID)

- Barangay Hall to where the Applicant is residing

B. For Mortuary Assistance

-  Claimant to surrender the Original Senior citizens ID of the decease.

-  Photocopy of Official Death Cert, and

-  Photocopy of Marriage Contract Birth Cert. of claimant to prove the relationship to the deceased and or Affidavit of Guardianship.

-  Ordinance No. 460,S-2011

-in the possession of the Senior CItizen



Civil Registry 2nd Flr.Exec. Blue Bldg.Cityhall Grounds

C. For Loss Senior Citizens ID

-  2pcs 1x1 Picture if none OSCA will take the applicants picture for free

-  Duly Accomplished Affidavit of Loss to be fill up at OSCA. and Fees Php

100.00 for lost ID, Guidelines on the issuance of the nationally uniform IDs

of senior citizens as per R.A. 7432

Office for Senior Citizens Affairs (OSCA)

D. For Social Pension

1  Photocopy of Senior ID (back to back)

2  approach OSCA staff for Social

pension Interview

OSCA can provide photocopy for free Social Pension Interviewer at OSCA

E. For Birthday Gift

- After application of the Senior Citizens ID OSCA will automatically encode the applicant for inclusion on the Birthday Payroll, Ordinance No. 658,S-2017

OSCA will encode the data automatically

F. For the use of Senior Citizens Center

- provide a Request letter of activities of senior citizens addressed to OSCA Head, and receive to OSCA Office

for accommodation and checking of existing schedule as well as approval

of the OSCA Head

Neptali A. Gonzales (NAG) Senior Citizens Integrated Center located at Welfareville Compound, Acacia Lane Extension Barangay Addition Hills, beside DOH near ABIS School,

G. For MandaleÃąo Centenarians Incentives

-  Senior Citizens ID Card issued by OSCA Mandaluyong City

-  Other Philippine-government issued identification cards showing Filipino citizenship and year of birth as a reference point for the centenarian’s eligibility for awards and incentives.

Ordinance No. 681,S-2017

Office for Senior Citizens Affairs (OSCA)

H. Free Theater Card for Senior Citizens MandaleÃąo

- Senior Citizens ID Card issued by OSCA Mandaluyong City (issued on the 1st week of February).Resolution

No. 122, S-1989

Office for Senior Citizens Affairs (OSCA)

I.  Granting Monthly Allowance to Senior Citizens Association of every Barangay

-  Ordinance No. 637,S-2016

-  Ordinance No. 737,S-2019

Office for Senior Citizens Affairs (OSCA)

J. Issuance of Certification needed to Registered senior citizens in the City

-  Senior Citizens Permanent ID Card issued by OSCA Mandaluyong City

-  Other Documents related to their


Office for Senior Citizens Affairs (OSCA)






1. Submit all of the requirements in acquiring Senior Citizens ID for NEW applicant

1.1 Accepts and verify the requirements given by the NEW Applicant before making the senior ID


3-5 Minutes

Sonie Bayanin; Aira Gail Reyes; Criselda Santiago; Edith Santos; Marion Espinosa

2. fill-up Mortuary form- submit all the requirements in acquiring Mortuary Assistance

2.1 Accepts and Verify the given requirements

/ advice the applicant of what to do next


3-5 Minutes

Sonie Bayanin; Criselda Santiago; Cristina Conde

3. Fill up Affidavit of Loss provided by OSCA

3.1 Accepts and verify the correct information in replacing the loss Senior ID

Php 100.00

3-5 Minutes

Bebot Lorico; Sonie Bayanin; Aira Gail Reyes; Edith Santos

4. Approach OSCA staff Social Pension Interviewer

4.1 Initial

Interview for DSWD Social Pension for indigent seniors.


10-15 Minutes

Rosalie Dela Vega; Kathy Macaspac; Jun Lim;

Tess Manlapao; Rosalinda Mira; Rosalinda Nudo

5. reach out with OSCA

5.1 Provide Senior Presidents print out of the Birthday Gift Payroll number for an easy transaction of our senior citizens


3-5 Minutes

Bebot Lorico; Criselda Santiago; Judge Jimenez; Jethro Rambano; Jun Lim

27 Barangay Presidents

or with Barangay



Senior President



for the updates in



regards with the



Birthday Gift



6. approach OSCA or

6.1 Check the request letter as well as the date of event for proper assistance


5-7 Minutes

Bebot Lorico;

NAG Staff at the front desk to be assisted in checking the existing event schedule



Engene Torres; Pinky Santos; Aira Gail Reyes; Francis Javier;




Camil Carreon;




Chito Dumas;




Aracelli Cabrera;




Felisa Banta

7. Approach OSCA

7.1 Check the request letter as well as the date for proper assistance


3-5 Minutes

Rosalie Dela Vega;

Marion Espinosa; 27 Barangay President

Staff for the list



of requirements



needed to apply



for MandaleÃąo






8. Provide the

8.1 Accepts and verify if the Senior Citizens\ ID is New or not. If not, the old ID will be replaced on the spot.


3-5 Minutes

Bebot Lorico; Edith Santos; Sonie Bayanin; Rosalinda Nudo; Rosalie Dela Vega

Permanent Senior



Citizens MandaleÃąo



ID for acquiring



Theater Card



9. Accomplishment

9.1 Assist Senior Citizens Association in every Barangay


3-5 Minutes

Bebot Lorico; Engene Torres; Pinky Santos; Marion Espinosa

Report for every



Barangay Senior



Citizens Association



10. Provide the

10.1 Accepts and verify if the Senior Citizens ID and other documents.


5-7 Minutes

Bebot Lorico;

Permanent Senior

Citizens MandaleÃąo



Criselda Santiago

ID and any




documents needs for










41-64 minutes



How to send feedback

Answer the client feedback form and have it received at OSCA:

Tel. No. (02) 8654-7028 / 8363-8741

(02) 8532-5001 connecting to all Departments


How feedbacks are processed

Feedback requiring answers are forwarded to OSCA HEAD MR. LUISITO E. ESPINOSA.

How to file a complaint

Answer the client Complaint Form to be submitted to OSCA.Complaints can also be filed via telephone. Make sure to provide the following information:

-  Name of person being complained

-  Incident

-  Evidence

How complaints are processed

Complaints requiring answers are immediately processed