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Land Use Regulatory Measures

To effectively implement the Land Use Plan, the City of Mandaluyong has formulated its own set of regulations embodied in Zoning Ordinance 238, Series of 2000. This came about with the realization that MMC Ordinance 81-01 which is currently in effect in Metro Manila is no longer attuned to the prevailing development practices in highly urbanized areas, what with the worsening problems as a result of intensive land activities putting immense pressure on infrastructure, utilities and the environment.

In effect, City Zoning Ordinance 238, S-2000 integrates, together with new provisions, certain provision of MMC Ordinance 81-01, City Ordinances 128, S-1993 and 164, S-1997. Major changes introduced by this Ordinance are as follows:

Inclusion of a new residential classification, R-4 exclusively for Socialized Housing Projects;

Specification of the ten-meter easement along Pasig and San Juan Rivers and three-meter easement along creeks as areas reserved for linear parks and beautification projects.

Rezoning of the following areas:

  1. The area bounded by EDSA, Shaw Blvd., the Mandaluyong-Pasig boundary, and the Pasig River from I-2 Medium Intensity Industrial Zone to Central Business District;
  2. The area at the corner West of EDSA and north of Shaw Boulevard from C-3 (Metropolitan in scale) to C2 (Quasi-trade activities) Commercial Zone
  3. The C2 Block deep along EDSA from Shaw Boulevard to Ortigas Avenue is subdivided into two lot deep zones: the lot deep along EDSA is maintained as C2 Zone while the lot deep along Harvard St. is reclassified as R1 Zone;
  4. The area behind the Palladium Summit Building was reclassified from C3 High Intensity
    Commercial Zone to R1 Low Density Residential Zone;
  5. Areas in Brgys. Vergara, Old Zaniga and Namayan previously classified as I1 (Industrial) Zone and presently occupied by residential subdivisions are reclassified into R2 Medium Density Residential Zone.

Height Restriction

  1. R2 Zone is sub-classified into R2 Four Storeys only and R2 Four to Seven Storeys;
    A special classification of R2 Four Storeys only shall cover the portion of Brgy. Addition Hills north of Shaw Boulevard limiting heights of residential buildings up to four storeys only while the rest of the city under R2 Classification has the option to expand up to seven storeys;
  2. R4 Zones are for medium-rise (walk-up) socialized housing.

Parking Regulations

Parking requirements are higher than the minimum prescribed under PD1097 (National Building Code)

Road Setback Requirements

Specific road setback or easements are required for each type of road and zone classifications.

Emphasis on the submission of Environmental Compliance Certificates prior to issuance of Locational Clearances for Environmentally Critical Projects and Projects located in Environmentally Critical Areas.

Mandatory requirement of Locational Clearance prior to issuance of all building permits and business licenses applied for in the City of Mandaluyong.

Creation of the Office of the Zoning Administrator

The ordinance also provides for the creation of the Office of the Zoning Administrator with appropriate duties and responsibilities and staff holding plantilla items subject to the 1997 Revised Qualification Standards of the Civil Service Commission.

This is confirmed by Ordinance No. 273, S-2003 which officially adopted the OZA as a division of the City Planning and Development Office with functions specifically “to implement ZO 238, s-2000 and act on all zoning applications and correspondingly issue Locational Clearance, Zoning Certificate and Certificate of Non-conformance.”