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Waste Disposal and Management

Solid Waste Generation

Mandaluyong City generates about 1,200 cu. meters to 240 metric ton of solid waste a day, a combination of domestic, commercial/industrial, and institutional/ hospital waste (Table 6.10). As of year 2000, the total volume of waste generated amounted to approximately 396,780 cu. meters with an average of 33,065 cu. meters a month. The volume generated for the month of January is usually the highest (Table 6.11) as more wastes are produced during Christmas holidays and New Year Festivities.

In addition, each individual generates approximately 0.71 kg of solid waste per day, which is beyond the standard range of 0.23 to 0.60 kg or an average of 0.40 kg per capita per day as indicated in several studies in Metro Manila. One contributing factor to such increase is the intensive use of disposable materials in lieu of reusable day to day items such as food containers, kitchen utensils, personal paraphernalia and the like, as can easily be observed from filled garbage bins and street litter.

Collection and Disposal System

Waste collection and disposal system is being undertaken by the City Environmental Cleaning and Beautification Department, formerly known as Environmental Sanitation Center. The department is manned by 14 administrative staff, 199 street sweepers, and 45 individuals doing general maintenance works, which total to 258 individuals who unfortunately are not sufficiently trained on discharging solid waste management services.

At the time when San Mateo landfill is still operational, truck collection procedures (Map 62) are a combination of daily mopping of main roads and market areas, night operation covering five barangays, and Blocking System — a twice-a-week operation for the rest of the City. The closure of the San Mateo Landfill in December 31, 2000 had tremendous impact on the collection system which was immediately felt by the city at the start of year 2001.

Actual collection and transport to the disposal site are undertaken by LGU-hired private contractors utilizing 40 dumptrucks, each with an average capacity of 18 cu.m. per truck load. For the year 2003, it is reported that garbage collection along major thoroughfares, as well as market places are done daily, and that other residential areas are visited only twice a week for their trash.

Waste Management Practices

Segregation and Composting

Pursuant to Republic Act 9003 also known as Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000, the City Solid Waste Management Board was organized whose immediate task is to formulate a Solid Waste Management Plan for the city.

Meanwhile, with the worsening problem in waste disposal, the city government has called upon its constituents to practice waste segregation and recycling. To serve as role model, all city hall offices are required to strictly implement waste segregation, with segregation bins positioned in places visible to the public.

In support of this scheme, the Truck Collection System is being modified, with separate schedules for collecting biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes.

At present, about 15% of the total waste collected is segregated.


With the objective of further minimizing waste for transport to its final disposal site, a 290 sq.m. lot within the Welfareville Compound is being planned as the site for the City Composting Center.

Barangay Initiatives

With the sincere intention to help save the environment through waste management, two barangays immediately took the initiatives of implementing their own waste management schemes that later on earned them various recognitions at both local and national levels.

Barangka Itaas

Barangay Barangka Itaas has utilized a portion of its public land for its composting operations. Just one year in operation, this barangay has achieved a 50% to 80% reduction in wastes resulting to reduction in number of garbage truck loads from the usual 2-3 truck loads to Â― to 1 truck load per day. Produce from the soil composting project is being used in the Barangay Green House in growing vegetables and ornamental plants for community consumption and beautification purposes.

Barangay Vergara

Taking advantage of garbage trucks pooling in one vacant lot in the barangay, disposal of community waste have been efficiently managed which earned the barangay the Cleanest Barangay Award given by the Metro Manila Development Authority.

Community waste are collected by local manpower roaming around with push carts each morning, later dumping the wastes into a designated area within the motorpool. By arrangement with the contractor, wastes are then carried off by the garbage trucks to the sanitary landfill.