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The City Government of Mandaluyong, led by Mayor Ben Abalos, today (December 10) held its traditional gift giving activity by continuing the distribution of goods to each household all over the city. Mayor Abalos signaled the start of the ceremonial distribution of goods at the City Hall, along with Vice Mayor Mechie Abalos and members of the city council at the different barangays of the city.

A total of 350,000 plastic boxes,  containing rice, sugar, canned goods, and other food items, were packed and delivered to each barangay a few days ahead.

After the ceremonial distribution, each barangay captain will continue the distribution of goods in every household under their jurisdiction.

Interior and Local Government Secretary Benhur Abalos, who hails from Mandaluyong City, joined the activity and distributed goods to several households at Geapson Compound in Barangay Highway Hills.

Mayor Abalos said he started the Pamaskong Handog tradition as a  simple giving of goods placed in  buckets when he became Mandaluyong’s local chief executive in 1986.

Before the pandemic, the city’s pamaskong handog was annually held at the City Hall complex, where residents personally pick up the Christmas goods that are placed inside buckets. The local government eventually decided to apply the “ayuda” style of gift-giving when face-to-face activities were prohibited because of the COVID-19 threat.

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