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Due to the global outbreak of the 2019 novel coronavirus (nCov), Mandaluyong City Mayor Menchie Abalos, together with the City Health Department, held a meeting with business owners, members of the Filipino Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Mandaluyong, members of the Muslim community, condominium owners, transport groups, and barangay captains and homeowner associations, at the City Hall where they issued measures and guidelines regarding the prevention of the disease from affecting the public. The aim is to disseminate the right information that the spread of the coronavirus can be avoided through proper hygiene and sanitation.

Using data shared by the Department of Health (DOH), the city government will provide a series of information dissemination to its constituents and the general public about the 2019 nCov through the City Health Department personnel, its official social media accounts, and various digital displays all over the city.

Abalos said the local government will require businesses, especially malls, hotels, condominiums, and others, to sanitize their respective areas as soon as possible and on a regular basis. Hotels and malls in particular should assign or provide additional deployment of personnel who will regularly clean and sanitize hand rails, doorknobs, escalators, elevators, and similar areas.

In addition, commercial establishments are advised to acquire a thermographic camera or screening device that they can use to screen all individuals entering their respective premises.

Management of hotels are advised to follow the guidelines in handling guests that was issued by the Department of Tourism (DOT).

 Business establishments must always prepare hand sanitizers or alcohol for their patrons or customers. Then, management must implement fumigation and sanitation of their workplace or buildings in the evening or closing time to ensure its cleanliness before it operates or opens its doors to the public every morning.

 Similarly, businesses must capacitate their employees and staff about proper hygiene – proper hand washing, frequent use of hand sanitizers, and having a clean workplace or environment – and its practice in and out of the workplace.

“We want to assure the public that this issue is properly addressed by involving the participation of the private sector. We are doing this not for ourselves but for everyone’s sake. Using the right information provided by our health experts, we can easily prevent this disease from spreading,” Abalos added.

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